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  • Support customization?

    Support customization?

    As a trusted supplier of agricultural machinery, we have ample inventory and continuous supply. Customize the required machines according to the customer's actual situation and budget, and provide on-site installation guidance when necessary

  • Are you worried about after-sales service?

    Are you worried about after-sales service?

    Any of our machines come with a one-year warranty and provide one-stop services such as installation, commissioning, training, maintenance and repair.

  • Freight problem?

    Freight problem?

    We provide unimpeded land and port transportation systems to deliver our machines to any corner of the world in a timely manner. Our experienced sales staff are all familiar with export procedures and can communicate with manufacturers and shipping agents before the product is completed, and then reasonably arrange the delivery date.

  • Business form?

    Business form?

    We welcome any type of business, whether stand-alone or bulk. Our food processing machinery is suitable for both domestic and commercial use. Notably, we are striving to offer world-class equipment at unmatched prices, more suitable for bulk purchases.