The simple recipe of chicken feed can be understood at a glance
Chicken feed formula is a key link in the chicken raising process. Reasonable feed formula can meet the growth needs of chickens, reduce the difficulty of breeding, and ensure the quality of chicken and eggs. The following are common chicken feed formulas for 4 types of chickens, which I would like to share with you:
1. Layer feed formula:
- Formula for chicks (1 to 60 days old): corn 62%, bran 10%, bean cake 17%, fish meal 9%, bone meal 2%.
- Young chicken (61 to 120 days) formula: corn 55%, bran 20%, bean cake 7%, cottonseed cake 5%, rapeseed cake 5%, fish meal 5%, bone meal 2%, shellfish meal 1%.
- Feed formula during laying period: corn 56%, miscellaneous grains 10%, bran 6%, bean cake 17%, fish meal 5%, shellfish meal 3%, clear pebbles 3% (methionine 0.1%, salt 0.4%).

2. Broiler feed formula:
- Feed formula for broiler chicks: 0.3% edible salt, 1% stone powder, 1% additives, 1.4% calcium hydrogen phosphate, 3% edible oil, 38% soybean meal, and 55.3% corn.
- Feed formula for broiler chickens: 0.3% edible salt, 1% additives, 1.1% stone powder, 1.4% calcium hydrogen phosphate, 3% edible oil, 35% soybean meal, and 58.2% corn.
- Feed formula for broiler chickens: 0.3% edible salt, 1% additives, 1.2% stone powder, 1.3% calcium hydrogen phosphate, 3% wheat bran, 3% edible oil, 30% soybean meal, and corn.

3. Native chicken feed formula:
- Feed formula for egg chickens: soybean cake diet, adjust the proportion of soybean cake according to different growth stages.
- Feed formula for growing chickens: adjust the proportions of corn, bean cake, stone meal, calcium hydrogen phosphate, wheat bran, fish meal, etc. according to different growth stages.

4. Chicken feed formula:
- 1 to 3 weeks old: corn 60%, millet 5%, sorghum 4%, wheat bran 5%, bean cake 8%, fish meal 8%, bone and meat meal 3%, blood meal 5%, stone powder 15%, salt 0.3%, additives Just the right amount.
- 4 to 6 weeks old: corn 60%, sorghum 4%, wheat bran 6%, bean cake 15%, peanut cake 3%, cottonseed cake 2%, blood meal 3%, fish meal 5%, shell meal 1%, bone meal 0.7% , salt 0.3%.
- 7 to 14 weeks old: 60% corn, 6% sorghum, 12% barley, 10% bean cake, 3% fish meal, 0.7% shell meal, 5% locust leaf meal, 2% bone meal, 0.3% salt, appropriate amount of additives.

The above formula is for reference only. Specific application needs to be adjusted according to local feed resources and the specific growth needs of chickens. At the same time, ensure the safety and quality of feed and avoid using expired or spoiled feed ingredients to ensure the health and production performance of chickens.